Indoor Plants Perfect For Your Apartment
Research shows that incorporating greenery into your living space can help to not only reduce stress and create a calm environment, however it also helps to purify the air. Here are six plants that are very popular at the moment for not only helping to de-stress, but also for looking great!
Such a beautiful and elegant flower
to add vibrancy and life to any space.
This plant needs warmth, optimum
light and the occasional water.
Peace Lily
This elegant plant with long shiny leaves and
white flowers is perfect for most positions in
your apartment as it does not require much
sunlight. Allow drying out between watering.
Fiddle-leaf fig
This plant is loved for its large glossy,
leathery leaves. It can grow to around
two metres tall in filtered light.
Do not place it in direct sunlight,
however it does like to remain moist
and be placed in a warm environment.
Zanzibar Gem
This plant stays great for long dry spells,
so if you don't have a good history with
plants -this is the one for you. This foliage
plant is practically indestructible, and is
perfect for both low and high levels of light.
String of Pearls
This dangling creeping succulent that looks like
strings of pearls adds a bit of character to any
space. This plant likes bright light, including
direct sunlight and only needs water every two
weeks in summer,and once a month in winter.
Snake plant
If you like low maintenance – this is the plant
for you. Named after its long sharply-shaped
leaves, this structural plant can tolerate all
types of light and normal room temperature,
however it does prefer full, bright light
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